Monday, January 25, 2010

Can we do this in California? Re: Greywater & Rainwater Harvesting Tax Credits in Arizona

Thanks for leading by example Arizona.  Can we get some rebates flowing hear in California for these types of rainwater harvesting and grey water systems?

“Effective January 1, 2007, Arizona taxpayers who installed a “water conservation system” (defined as a system to collect rainwater or residential greywater) in their residence may take a one-time tax credit of 25% of the cost of the system (up to a maximum of $1,000). Builders are eligible for an income tax credit of up to $200 per residence unit constructed with a water conservation system installed.

Note that a misinterpretation of the tax credit used to give the credit only for greywater harvesting systems, but thanks to efforts by Rep. Steve Farley the tax credit can now also be used for rainwater harvesting systems, and it is retroactive to January 1, 2007. So, anyone who has purchased water harvesting systems from that point onward will get AZ tax credits until the annual amount allotted to the credit has been used up. For application forms and further information go to the website below and click on “credit pre-certification” on the left hand side of the home page, and then “gray water conservation tax credit.” You will find general information and applications for corporations and for individuals.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Information from Stormwater Authority

Found this great information from

Message: Most Endangered American River: California's Sacramento-San Joaquin