Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Water waste complaints

More on state water bills introduced,0,540

Feds help local reservation clean up drinking water

Pt. Loma Sewerage Treatment Plant Renewables Praised by EPA

FW: Market pricing of water

Subject: Market pricing of water

FW: Letter to the editor: Water and Development

Subject: Letter to the editor: Water and Development

FW: Farmers and drought

Subject: Farmers and drought

FW: New water legislation coming to a boil in Sacramento

Subject: New water legislation coming to a boil in Sacramento

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

FW: Region Files $260 MM in CREB Applications Today

Sent: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 3:56 pm
Subject: Region Files $260 MM in CREB Applications Today

ARRA Strategy Group:

I am pleased to inform you that the San Diego region filed nearly 300 applications for Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs) today, representing over $260 million dollars in financing for solar projects. I enclose a press release and fact sheet which provide more information.

The real story here is that diverse stakeholders came together to provide direct services and support, at no fee, to municipal agencies who sought to pursue CREB financing. This public private coalition—including UC San Diego, Latham & Watkins, Stone & Youngberg, PE Consulting, CCSE, San Diego Foundation, Southern Contracting and MuniBonds Solar—not only assisted us to effectively reach out to municipal agencies but also provided direct services and support for every phase of the application process. The ability to mobilize resources is a powerful competitive advantage that we look forward to continuing to leverage as we advance our clean tech leadership agenda.

You may recall that the CREB opportunity surfaced as a result of the efforts of our working group. I appreciate your leadership and participation and look forward to continuing our work as we mobilize to actually implement approved CREB projects, and as we identify new funding opportunities that may be particularly suited to our region.


Subject: Steelhead strategy